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HIS 295: The Historian's Craft


Collection Development FAQs

How are requests for new books or other resources made?

Any requests for books or other resources can be made using the online "Request a Purchase Form" or by email at


What is Patron Driven Acquisitions (PDA)?

The PDA model means that the libraries use purchase requests from faculty and students to determine how the library collections are built, and this generates a more accurate, needs-based collection development policy.


What is Demand Driven Acquisitions (DDA)?

The DDA model allows users of e-books to select titles, and once they are viewed for five minutes, it triggers an automatic purchase and the e-book is added to the collection. This is a very financially responsible way for the libraries to use their budgets.


What format are new books/materials purchased in?

Most new purchases will be in electronic formats such as e-books, e-journals, or streaming media. Print materials will be purchased if electronic versions are unavailable.


Why are most new purchases electronic?

The e-resources are available for all Mercer users, whether they are on campus or online. Plus, library statistics show a preference for these electronic items, with 95% of collection use being electronic.


How can electronic resources be accessed?

Most e-resources can be accessed through the links on our website. Find e-books, e-journals, databases, and our unique digital collection URSA.


What similar collection development services are available?

Faculty members are encouraged to share their list of required readings from their course syllabi, so the libraries may purchase these materials and offer them free of charge to students. Faculty may also share their recommended reading lists with librarians or library directors.

To reach Acquisition Services, email:

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