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RELG/WGST 320: Religion and Gender in Gullah Geechee Culture

Resources for RELG/WGST 320 library assignment

Assignment from Dr. Barker

Student Learning Outcomes for Part I of this assignment: 
Students will: 

  1. Identify the different ways to search for information
  2. Explain the differences in types of sources (primary, secondary; peer-reviewed, scholarly, other, etc.)
    Identify relevant sources for conducting preliminary disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary research that connects the specific author(s) and/or their books that we are exploring (i.e. literature and/or biographies of Paule Marshall and/or Gloria Naylor) with Gullah Geechee history, culture, religion, and/or literature

Assignment Instructions:
For Part I of the Research Activity: Please upload the following as a single Word document. 

  1. Meet with a librarian to learn how to (a) search for historical information on the Gullah Geechee (b) learn how to search for and differentiate sources related to the authors we will be reading (Gloria Naylor and Paule Marshall). To earn full credit for this part of the activity, write a brief paragraph detailing who helped you; the date and time of your appointment or viewing; the types of search you conducted and/or names of databases that you searched; and anything you learned from the process that you didn't already know. 
  2. On your own, locate a) two peer-reviewed resources (journal articles or peer-reviewed/refereed scholarly books) about Gullah Geechee history, culture, or persons AND (b) two peer reviewed resources (journal articles or peer-reviewed books) related specifically to the authors and/or the novels (Mama Day or Praisesong for the Widow). To earn full credit for this part of the activity, on the same word document from part I, add references for the 4 total peer reviewed sources in either Chicago or APA format bibliographic format. 


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